word "Success" means different things to different people, but one of
my first basic question was "What really makes a person successful?" In
order to discover the real foundation of success I began to collect
information, reading the word of God (Bible, Quran), listen to tape, do
interviews and read everything I could find on the subject. Slowly but
surely, some answer began to emerge.
After several
years, I reached the conclusion that there were two distinct areas to
consider: the person and the career, job, or activities in which the
person wants to be successful. Obviously, no one person can be a success
at everything. to have some order or framework for this research, I
decided to enlist the aid of six open - ended questions.
Notice how they lead logically from one to another.
- Who Am I?
- Where Am I?
- Where Am I Going in Life?
- How will I Get There?
- What Kind of Person Will I Be?
- What Must I Do to Make Success Happen?
Now, I want you to answer these questions one after the other,
without reservation and make sure you are faithful to yourself because
success is yours, if you are faithful to the question. As a successful
person or successful to become you must be ready to have distinct answer
to all the above question; When you can make a justice to those
questions then, your success is sure.
Let me give you some reason why you should have distinct answers to all the above question.
- Firstly if you don't know who you are? You can't become who you want?
- Secondly, if you don't know where you are? you can know where you are from or going?
- Thirdly, your ability to know where you are going; will help you to discover how far or short you are, to the destination.
- How will I get there? is the question of those that know where they are heading to, if you don't know you destination you can reach your determination.
- Your imagination to desire who you want to be; help you to narrow your journey to one path. It is impossible to be who you don't desire to be; for your choice make you, determine who you will be. Decision is yours.
- Everything living thing under the sun have rule and regulation, without know your own rule& regulation you can't never be a ruler (king, successful).
Therefore, I beseech you to always access/check what you are
become everyday before go to bed, because if you refuse to discover
yourself it will hard for you to an over-comer. There are many
challenges in the road of successful people; whenever thing is going
smoothly remember to reserve your energy for challenge, surely it will
definitely come one day.
I wish you success as you are taking time to answer all the questions above.
For more tips and advice on how to get going when things is hot, contact us. Your Success is Our Joy.
Thank you...
Reviewed by Unknown
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